
NJYC offers basic conversational counseling and referral services to our Corpsmembers in need. Through intensive one-on-one conversations, our staff works with Corpsmembers to help them become more introspective, analytical, responsible, and accountable. We help address issues of substance abuse and mental health - to educate, inform and reduce the stigma of said issues so that our youth can begin to feel empowered to start making changes in their lives.

NJYC staff conduct follow-up conversations/meetings with our Corpsmembers at 7,14,30, 60, 90, 120, and 180 days post-completion/exit/entrance to Phase 2. These meetings are conducted through one-on-one conversations, phone calls, worksite visits, employer meetings, or video calls.

The purpose of these follow-ups is to ensure a successful transition to the Corpsmembers’ next experience; whether it be a part-time job, enrollment in college, a supplemental training program, or enlisting into the military.

It is our hope that through these relationships, the young adults we serve will develop confidence and security in their endeavors going forward.