NJYC Career Advancement Program (CAP)

We are focusing on careers in the Green Economy, Health Care, Logistics and Hospitality Industry

Corpsmembers get additional support in the form of subsidized employment, leading to credentials and permanency

The New Jersey Youth Corps program was established to provide an alternative pathway to education through service to one’s community.  Over the years, it has proved to be an indispensable option for young adults that face the life-altering decision to leave the traditional education pathway for myriad reasons – family needs, financial pressures, mental health issues, etc.  Leaving the educational system also means removing one’s self from access to additional support services provided by the wraparound supports a school district provides. 

Through NJ Youth Corps, young adults pursue their education while exposing themselves to various career pathways via career exploration, vocational aptitude assessments, and job shadowing on the many community-based service projects worked on as a Corpsmember.   However, given the relatively short time frame in which a Corpsmember is engaged in the 16-week NJYC program (followed by 180 days of supportive follow-up), the original decision to leave school puts an individual at a distinct disadvantage relative to choices regarding their preferred career pathway of interest – and the amount of time required to develop, plan, and execute a plan for said youth. 

Typically, our youth do not envision themselves entering college or an internship – experiential data proves that ‘just getting a job’ is their highest priority and in most cases their only aspiration.  It must be noted that the tumultuous lives of our youth are impacted often by unforeseen events that force them to make reactionary choices that are often driven by immediate pressing financial needs.  These choices lead to job-shopping and engaging in employment scenarios that offer the quickest financial remedy available to them;  often an undesirable scenario that hasn’t been well conceived, often off the books – with few future opportunities for growth or advancement.  The financial needs of Corpsmembers cause them to make short-term choices with long-term consequences.  Through our Career Advancement Program (CAP), we hope to better prepare and support our Corpsmembers in allowing them the opportunity to really grasp the concept of a long-term career pathway, envisioning the possibility of them in that career, and providing supportive working scenarios that meet the needs of Corpsmembers and employers.  

Once identified as eligible (18 years old, 100 hours of Stage One YC completed, HSE obtained), a CAP Corpsmember would work with NJYC staff to research and identify the required OST trainings/Internship opportunities in the identified field – and work to develop an Individual Service Strategy (ISS) toward that end.  The ISS would lay out logical and clear, sequential steps to pursue.  OST enrollments will lead to industry-recognized credentials, identified on New Jersey Eligible Training Provider List, and will align with the CAP Corpsmember’s ISS.  The CAP Corpsmember will develop, review and sign the ISS to indicate commitment to the training plan. 

Potential CAP Internships will be compensated at the rate of $15/hour (Minimum 25 hours per week) and developed with selected employers (aligned with the CM ISS), said CAP Corpsmembers and NJYC Staff.  Worksite agreements will be developed directly with employers (similar to MOA’s) and will be aligned with state labor laws.   These agreements will document the terms (Timeframe, weekly schedule, hours worked, etc.) so that they are clearly defined to the CM and the employer.  Internships may include OST trainings, but the combined cost of OST and Internship stipends will not exceed $7,500 per participant.


We believe the NJYC-CAP funds will incentivize employers in the aforementioned sectors to consider NJYC alumni as the talent to develop – talent that is supported by the familial mentoring style of our NJYC program.  We believe that each Corpsmember that completes YC and proves eligible for the CAP program will be seen as a desirable candidate – well prepared and committed - that brings not only the support service of the NJYC program, but considerable financial resources and incentives to the employer as well. 


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